Saturday, December 16, 2006


This has been a long week. I substituted at our church's preschool 2 days this last week and Elizabeth went to her school as usual so she got up early 4 days this week and on Thursday it definately showed. She was really tired. So was I.
This week is going to be even busier. Tomorrow is my grandmother's Christmas. Monday I sub again at preschool. Elizabeth will go to school Tuesday and Thomas will go to his one-day school (and have their party) while I am at bible study and having our Christmas luncheon. Wednesday nothing but laundry and shopping for stuff to make my takes to everyones Christmas. Thursday school again for Elizabeth. Friday my dad's Christmas, Saturday my in-laws Christmas, Sunday my mother's Christmas and Monday our Christmas.
Cody and I have decided that to help remind us all what Christmas is all about, before we open our presents we are going to have a cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and thank Him for all He has blessed us with.
God bless you all, have a great Christmas and a blessed New Year!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

My new favorite store

Okay, some may not enjoy the experience as much as I do or even spend the amount of time doing it as I do....but I LOVE going to the grocery store. I go down every aisle....very slowly, making sure I don't miss a single item (you never know what you might have forgotten on you list or what might just catch your eye). It is usually at least a 2 hr job. Rian used to make fun of me...he said instead of going to the grocery store he would just shop my pantry. I don't like being caught without something when I need it. You never know when you might need a large amount of cream of mushroom soup.
Anyhow....we have a new United Supermarkets Market Street just down from my house. It also has a mini "taste of" market street that has a drive thru - for those time you just need milk or even a new hot ready made supper for 4 (or even 2).
My mother took the kids to the mall so I could enjoy the experience without interruption. Plus, they wouldn't have fit in the basket with my groceries. It was really nice, big and for as many cars that were outside, it didn't really feel crowded.
I hope you all get to experience it soon. Are we not blessed in this country to have such luxuries? One more thing that I am grateful for.
God bless and have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today was the first snow of the season. It was really pretty outside. However, I was not going to get out in it, so....Elizabeth did not go to preschool and Lady's vet apt was changed to next week.

Lady slept in the garage last night and did really well. However, I have to say that taking our trips outside today to go potty felt like breastfeeding or potty training. It seemed like by the time I bundled up and took her outside and waited for her to do her business and put her back in the garage it was time to do it again.

It is colder however today so she may stay in our bathroom. We will see.

Elizabeth LOVED the snow and begged to go with me to take Lady potty - which of course made the process even longer but she had so much fun and was so excited I am glad I let her do it.

Attached are pics of the kids all bundled up. As you can tell Thomas was not as thrilled as Elizabeth and when she threw a snowball at him - he was not impressed.

Have a great weekend and be safe.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I am thankful for my God. I am thankful that my God sent His Son Jesus. I am thankful for Jesus' sacrifice for my salvation and so I could have life more abundantly. I am thankful for my husband, who loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for my beautiful children who give me a glimpse of the love that God has for us. I am thankful for all of my family who God picked especially for me. I am thankful for all my friends who the Lord put in my life. I am thankful that I have always had food in my belly, a roof over my head and seed to sow. I am thankful for the stars in the sky, the moon and the sun, the flowers, the grass and trees. For the birds and the bees. I know it may sounds contrived. But the fact is that I have been reflecting a lot this past year. He has drawn me closer to Him and my desire to know Him and what He wants for us. Can you imagine that He is acutely aware of every single thing, idea, thought, desire and need that we have and not just us but even the smallest creature that He Himself created. How can you not be thankful. The sad thing is that He has so much for us but some are not willing to accept it or acknowledge the truth of it.
I thank God for you everyday and pray blessing upon you and your families in the name of Jesus. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love and thankfulness.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Member

This is the new member of the Dye House. Her name is Lady. Elizabeth named her after "Lady" from "Lady and the Tramp". We got her Saturday and the vet thinks she is about 4 months old. She was given to us by one of Cody's co-workers whose dog had 4 girl pups. She is a lab mix and the runt of the litter. She is a sweet heart. When you go outside, as soon as you touch her she lays down on her back and wants her belly rubbed. She is really good with the kids and she has never barked or whined.

Not much else has happened here lately. My sister, Juli, got a new job that is perfect for her so we are happy and so is she. Cody's aunt and uncle are buying a house here to have for the winter-they just moved to CO from Maryland and I think that don't want to brave the CO winters, plus family is here and we all love to visit.

I am making invitations for my sister-in-laws graduation from Tech. Cody is working hard as always. Elizabeth just asked me today why daddy works all the time. He would be sad to hear her say that. He has started to worry about that lately. But he is such a good daddy that believe me they aren't missing out. He is so great and lets them play video games on his system and Elizabeth has gotten pretty good at Frogger - Thomas just likes to make them jump in the water. It makes him laugh. When daddy does good and saves a baby frog Thomas yells out "good job daddy!" everytime.

We are going out of town this weekend but will be back Sunday. Thanksgiving is being spent as usual and work and school will once again resume.

I wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving and remember to thank God for all He has done for us. Did you know that He has already given you everything you have or will ever have, you just have to receive it.

Love you all and God bless!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

October Pics

Here are pictures of Elizabeth & Thomas at the pumpkin patch with their friend Zach and at Halloween. Elizabeth is dressed 50's. Thomas' costume is 50's as well, but since they wouldn't be together at Tues Bible Class I dressed him as a construction worker for that - I wasn't sure people would get his 50's costume otherwise.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Horshoe Bay

We are back!! We left Thursday night to go to Brownwood. We spent the night with the Binkleys. It was so good to see them again and catch up with them. The kids were excited to see Zach.
The Binkleys were gracious enough to keep our kids while we went to Cody's conference on leadership at Horshoe Bay.
It was very beautiful. We played expensive golf on Thursday when we got there. It was double what Cody thought it was going to be, but there is a 24 hr cancellation policy, so...we played. It was fun though. We also played on their 72 par putting course, which is actually a miniture golf course that actually looks and is made like a real golf course. It was really beautiful and it had waterfalls and running streams everywhere. There were flamingos. It was neat.
We watched the TTU & Texas game at the marina restaurant. I have to say that I think it is awesome that Cody McCoy, the quarter back from UT gives all the glory to God regarding is ability to play. That is awesome!!!!
One of the things that I have been able to do at HB that I don't get to do at home is take a long hot soak. It was great!! I also went to get a massage today while waiting on Cody to get out of his meeting. It was pricey for 25 minutes so instead of getting a full massage, I just got a shoulder/neck massage. It was good but definately could have been much longer.
But it was GREAT to see the kids. Elizabeth ran up to me and just hugged. I love it. Thomas when he saw me ran up and gave me a big hug around the legs and then just wanted me to hold him until we left. They had a good time and Jennifer said they were behaved. I was thankful. This was their first time to stay with someone other than relatives.
Much, much thanks and love to the Binkley's for watching and taking care of our kids and just being the wonderul friends they are. We miss them but they are doing so well and their house is beautiful.
Jennifer took pictures of the kids at a pumpkin patch so I will post those when I get them. Sorry, I did not take pics on our trip but will post a postcard pic of the mgc.
It was lots of fun but I am glad to be home. Cody just went to bed, poor guy he is really tired and has to go to work tomorrow.
I will begin again the routine of my life. But you know what, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have my God, my family and my friends - it is all good!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why is it...

I have had this reflection before, and it is one that I have had to come to terms with as well. It saddens me that we have all been misled, unintentionaly by those teaching, but very intentional by the devil.
Why is it that we can believe that God, our father, is "out to get us" but yet say we have faith in His Word and His Love. We would rather believe horrible things about God or only look at the punishment He will one day show to those who don't believe or that He showed in the OT, than have doubts in our own faith.
Before grace, God did punish those who lived in sin and denied His power, but it was to them that He showed His anger. We as believers are to trust in his protection and love - just read Psalm 91 or for that matter any scripture in the bible. But since we all have grace through Jesus-who bore all the sin of the world -sanctified us to the Lord, that is no longer His way, because He has given the world a way out of their sins. The devil has deceived the world into believing that God makes bad things happen to teach us lessons or using the term "God's will" to explain things away. No where in the bible does it say that it is God's will to kill, steal or destroy. But that is how the devil is described. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it abundantly.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Ultimately sin. Because the devil has power in this world he will use it. He lies, he steals, he destroys and he kills.
There are so many promises to us in the Bible that are ignored or untaught. But if the word says it, I believe it whether I can explain it or not. If you have faith you can move mountains - change your situation. If you have faith, you shall have whatever you ask. In these and all promises it says that if we do not doubt, if you don't think that it will happen, it won't. If you think "we'll maybe" that is doubt. Jesus told all who were healed that it was their faith that made them whole. Those who did not believe were those who were not healed.
Lazarus died, not by God's hands, but Jesus used his death to show a miracle.
Why do some get healed and some not? Here are some suggestions from the book "Christ the Healer" by FF Bosworth.
1. Insufficient instruction - Ignorance concerning the healing power of the Gospel
You have to know it is God's will for you to be healed to actually have faith in it.
2.Lack of faith within the Church
In James 5, all Christians are commanded to pray for the healing of the sick, and to do it as earnestly as Elijah prayed for rain. Doubters are making it impossible for the Church to be in one accord in prayer and faith for the sick.
3.Community unbelief
The traditions that people today have been taught to believe in place of the plain Word of God on healing have turned the world into a Nazareth of unbelief.
If you can believe what the Word says about salvation, why not believe what it says about healing?
4. Traditions of Men
"God is the author of disease" and that He wills the sickness of some of His worshippers. If it is God's will for you to be sick then it would be a sin to be in the medical field, go to a doctor or even pray for healing and instead pray for sickness.
"we glorify God more by remaining sick and exhibiting patience that we can by being divinely healed" then Jesus robed God of all glory by healing those sick instead of showing God's glory in patience.
"the age of miracles has passed" - the most common
During this age the great promise is that God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. Jesus declared that the works which He was doing would be continued and that even "greater works" would be done by the Holy Spirit. There is but one Spirit dispensation, and it lies between the first and second comings of the Lord.
"If it be Thy will"
there is only 1 case in all the NT of one asking for healing that way. This man did not know God's will regarding healing. Jesus did not heal him until Jesus said He could heal him the faith that Jesus would heal him. His "I will" cancelled the "if" of the leper. To have real faith is to be fully persuaded that God will do what He has promised to do and no one is fully persuaded when he adds "if it be Thy will" when praying.
"Paul's thorn in the flesh" was some kind of physical trouble
In all the places in the bible where this expression is used (Num 33:55) the thorns are personalities - constant annoyances. Paul even states that the thorn in his flesh was a messenger of satan that repeatedly attacked him. He lists many kinds of trouble but never disease. Christ did not take away his burden to show him that the grace of God was sufficient to give him strength to bear all things. God's grace and mercy have always been given to enable us to bear our persecutions and temptations; but not to bear our sins and sicknesses, which He bore for us. God has never promised to take away Christians external buffetings, afflictions and temptations; he gives us grace to bear them. But He has always been ready to take away the internal, or bodily, oppressions of the devil, as well as our sins.
"Jesus healed the sick as the Son of God, not as the Son of Man."
The Scriptures teach us that Jesus, the Son of God, emptied Himself and became like unto His brethren in all things except as to sin. As the Son of Man, which he calls himself 80 times, I can of Mine own self do nothing." Jesus did not do one miracle until he received the Holy Spirit.
"Unbelief on the part of the elder or minister who prays for them"
"They regard iniquity in their heart"
"an Unforgiving spirit or holding a grudge"
"Wrongs unrighted"
"no purpose or diligence when seeking God for healing"
"because of improper instruction by confining God to miracles"
"watching their symptoms"
They make their feelings the basis for faith rather than God's Word, which He has made its only basis.
"do not act their faith"
The full excercise of faith means that we think faith, speak faith and act faith. We have to believe first with our hearts, then our minds will follow, and then our bodies.
"when tested cast away their confidence"
when you get a bad report or hit an obtacle you lose confidence in your prayer - faith
"neglecting to receive the Holy Spirit"
"they substitute their belief in the doctrine of Divine Healing for personal faith to be healed"
"their failure to receive the written promise of God as His direct Word to them"
"some will not believe that their prayer for healing has been heard until they have experienced and seen the answer"
Mark 11:24 says what things soever ye desire, WHEN YOU PRAY, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us. We know His will is for healing, or Jesus wouldn't have healed anyone. So we have to believe that our prayer has been heard when we really pray not because we see the answer but because God is faithful.
"some base their faith on their improvement after prayer rather than upon His promise"
They do not realize that there is no other reason for faith as good as the Word of God, and that God wants to train every Christian to believe Him when everything they can see, except His promise, is to the contrary.

I do not care if people do not believe me on any matter, but that they would argue the Word, is what breaks my heart. I only share what the Lord gives me, gives us all. Who can argue with God what His word says He will do. Because we don't believe it? Because we didn't see it? Because we have been dissapointed? I have seen and heard of many miracles and blessings. If you pray for something that would go against someone's will, then you should know that prayer will not be anwered, not because He doesn't answer all our prayers but because God does not promise to change someone else's will, if that were so would not everyone be saved? If you want something find scripture to back up your prayer. If it says it in the Word, if it is a promise of God, then it is so and true and if you deny it then you are calling God a liar.
It is easier to blame God than to look within ourselves for the failing of our faith.
I do not claim or presume to say I know it all. I only know what is revealed to me by the written Word of God and the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. To not share what I know would be to deny what He has given me and that is a sin I cannot bear.

Friday, October 13, 2006

What A Guy...

Have you ever known someone who puts you first? Have you ever known someone who never complains? Have you known someone who makes you laugh every day? Have you ever known someone who loves you just the way you are? Have you ever known someone who tells you your beautiful at every turn?
I do. That man is my husband. He always makes sure I have everything I need and a lot of what I want. When he has a day off, he always asks me first if I had any plans before he makes his own. He never gripes about work, I have to rip it out of him. He never complains about the house not being clean or clothes not being washed or when I don't have food ready when he gets home - I have been doing better. He is a constant reminder to me that I am blessed and that God does answer prayers-even better than we give Him credit for. No matter how fat or ugly I may feel or if I don't want to wear makeup, he is always telling me I am beautiful and he loves it when I go natural and put my hair in a ponytail.
I prayed for a Christian, best friend, loving, protecting, nurturing and good lover in a husband and the Lord blessed me with that and so much more. We have never had a big fight, we may disagree about something but we never go to bed angry and we never bring it back up later. He works hard to provide for me and our children. He is a super-great dad, just ask Elizabeth or Thomas. He is a great friend - to everyone. He is a great pharmacist-just ask any of his patients or friends or family that have a medicine question. He loves the Lord and I am blessed that he loves me. He is my best friend, my soul mate and my partner for life.
Thank you Cody for being everything that you are and giving the children and I everything that you have. We love you-forever and always.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Accidents will happen...

Well, we had our first big boo boo - that is one that requires an ER visit. We have had lots of boo boos. Thomas has fallen off the bathroom counter and hit his head on the tile floor, he has banged his head on a coffee table-both in Ruidoso - I hope he won't have a bad experience every time. Elizabeth tripped and fell and hit her elbow which was slightly fractured-that required a doctors visit but there was no blood.
Well, Sunday we were at church and my mom and Brice were watching the kids. They were wrestling around and Elizabeth tripped over Thomas and hit the coffee table. It cut her eybrow open pretty good - I think I saw skull - and bled a great deal. My mother said Elizabeth cried when she saw the blood but when she started to pray for her she stopped crying and settled into her lap.
We left Thomas with my mom and Brice and took Elizabeth to the ER. When we were walking in she said "we prayed and Jesus healed me, so I am okay". We saw the doctor and they cleaned it out real good - again, I think I saw skull - and put some dermabond on it. It should peel off in a couple of days. She did really good!
Prayer works so much. I pray every morning for protection for all my family. There have been times when we could have been hurt really bad and the results were so much less than what they could have been. Elizabeth's cut could have been so much worse, Thomas' falls and run-ins with walls could be concusions, our 180 degree turn on wet road could have been trecherous but it honestly felt like we were in slow motion. Later I thought about how it was the angels guiding our van to safety. My favorite scripture is Psalm 91:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Amighty (Whose power no foe can withstand). I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust! For then He will deliver you from the snare of the folwer and from the deadly pestilence. Then He will cover you with His pinions (wings) , and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler (one that sheilds and protects). You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day, nor of the pestilence (a contageous or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devasting - something that is destructive or pernicious (highly injurious or destructive) that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Only a spectator shall you be (yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High) as you witness the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and service). They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot agains a stone, you shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name (has personal knowledge of My mercy, love and kindness-trusts and relies on Me, know I will never forsake him, no never). He shall call upon Me, and I wil answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

This is what we need to meditate on. These are the words of our Father to His children. He loves us and will protect us. He wants us to be happy - he promises us mercy, love and kindness and long life, if we will just trust and follow Him. Amen!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Imagination - where has it gone

Okay, I just have to say that where has the imagination gone for our children when it comes to playing. I think toy companies don't give children enough credit when it comes to imagination. More than likely they just want to make more money and have to come up with more toys.
I am all for realism when it comes to toys - up to a point. I liked my "baby alive" doll. You could feed her "baby food" and she would go in her diaper. But today the toy world has gone too far. Barbie has a new pet dog. You can feed him a bone, then push his tail and he poops!!!! Real little pebbles come out of his bottom!!! Do we really need that?! Next are they going to have a Barbie that goes through child birth? What about a Barbie doll that will throw up, tinkle and poop as well. These are not things I thought of Barbie doing when I played with her. I think we all layed our Barbies on Ken and pretended they were having sex - thanks to tv for that. But do we want to actually have dolls that have sex? Maybe I am being extreme but honestly I never thought I would see a toy dog poop!!!
When I was a kid, I pretended to have long hair by draping my blanket on my head and holding it on with clip barretts. Shucks, I pretended to have a boyfriend!! My children, even with all the fancy toys still love to use their imagination for the most part. I think that is being lost on the toy makers. That yes it is fun to play with dolls and all sorts of toys but that life is too short let them keep playing - they will have to clean up real poop before they know it!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm alive!

Well, my modem had died and it took me awhile to get a new one, but I am back.

Not much is going on here. Elizabeth is still enjoying school and gymnastics and watch her new movie "The Wild". Thomas is enjoying watching "Annie" over and over again and singing "tomorrow".

Cody is working like a busy beaver. He was recognized at work for his hard work and is going to a conference in Horshoe Bay. Not sure if the kids and I get to go but if not we will stay with our friends in Brownwood - hopefully.

I am trying to maintain a clean house, clean laundry. I do my daily devotional and study of the word, watch & listen to exceptional teachers of the word and go to bible study on Tuesday mornings and 2x a month a Thursday bible study.

Got the kids room 99% finished and should have pictures soon.

Have a great week.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

And so it begins...

We are getting back to a routine of sorts as school begins. This will be Elizabeth's first time at preschool. She is very much looking forward to it. Thomas, I think will enjoy his "mommy" time all to himself and playing without any competition for toys.
Today, we get the kids new beds. I think I am as excited, if not more so, than they are. I can finally start making this house a "home". It has been 2 years since we moved in. Is that sad or does it just state that having children only 14 months apart and at the time of the move only 1 1/2 aned 8 months old.
Everyone is out of diapers. Yeah!!!
I am going to LBC on Tuesdays and will sub Mon & Wed for our churches preschool. After Elizabeth's school on Tuesdays & Thursdays I will be watching Addison (our friend's daughter and Elizabeth's friend who she will be going to school with).
Hopefully we will also be getting together with friends more for fellowship for us as well as the kids. I hadn't realized how much I miss my friends since the summer started.
Other than that, cleaning and laundry. Hopefully more painting. Cody's sister, Crystal, did a great job on the kids rooms.
Cody is great, kids are great, life is good and God is great!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Walking In Love

You could say this has been my "motto" for the last year, as those that attend bible study with me can tell you. But it is not just my motto, it is the prescription God gave us to live our lives by.
God is love! (1 John 4:8) When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God poured out His love into us through the Holy Spirit. (Rom 5:5) We just have to choose to walk in it.
I have really noticed a change in my life when I decided to do just that.
The word says to love your neighbor as (you do) yourself. (Matt 22:39) To treat others as you would have them treat you.
God said to love Him with everything and to love everyone around you as you love yourself. He said these commandments summed up the Law and how we are to walk, for if you love, you would obey all the commandments (old and new).
When you put yourself in that mind set, you will notice a change. When you have to stand in a long line at the store - you don't tend to let it get you inpatient. When your order gets messed up in a restaurant you don't chew out the waitstaff or make rude comments about the service. You start to think about the checker or waitress or cook and maybe something you can't see or know about, has happened. You start to think, what if I was the checker or the waiter, how would I feel right now? How many people have chewed them out already? What would a kind word or gesture - a smile, do for them? Everyone can have a bad day. I have also experienced that when I walk in love - I have a better day!!

Walking in love is what we are commanded to do (John 15:17). We are even commanded to love our enemies (Matt 5:44). We are supposed to love others as God loves us (John 13:34). Love does no wrong to one's neighbor (Rom 13:10). In 1 Cor 8:1 it says love edifies and builds up and encourages one to grow (to his full potential). We should be edifying people instead of tearing them down. In chapter 5:6 in Galations it says that only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love shows that we are in Christ.
I could go on and on and quote scriptures that tell us to walk in love. God is love and love never fails. Love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). We should fear for or about nothing.

Love endures long, it is patient and kind; love never is envious or boils over with jealously, it is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited (arrogant); it is not rude and does not act unbecomingly. Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way, it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it (it pays no attention to a suffered wrong), it does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything without weakening. Love never fails. (1 Cor 13:1-8)

The word also says you reap what you sow. (2 Cor 9:6) That is in everything not just money. It is also words. Words have power. God created the universe with his Word, the earth, man. The Word says that whatsoever you say with your mouth you shall have. Matt 12:36&37 says that we will be judged by the words we speak. Prov 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. It is a two edged sword. It works both ways to do you good and to do you bad. 1 Peter 3: 10 says "For let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from deceit."
If you give love you will reap love.

Love is the foundation of everything. Just as much as you love and want all for your children, that is just the beginning of God's love and wants for us. He said he would supply all our needs. 2 Cor 9:8 says God is able to make every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, possess enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance every good work and charitable donation. 2 Cor 9:10-11 says And God Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your resources for sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness and charity. Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous and your generosity as it is administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God.

So by walking in love we are adding to our lives the abundance of God's love and everything He promised us - salvation and the blessing of Abraham (the abundance in all areas of our lives: health, relationships, finances, etc [Ps 23 & Ps 91& Eph 3:6]) - and people will see God's love in us and we will be a testimony to Him. We should be a living example of God's love. It is like the story you often hear of someone honking and giving the finger and cussing out someone who cut in front of them on the road and when the car passed them they had a Jesus fish on the back of their car. Is that the example God or we want to set?

Be an example - walk in love.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Things are headed back to the old routine with Ladies Bible Class starting. It was really nice to see everyone again, catching up on how the older ladies spent their summer. There were a lot of new young mothers this year, so it looks like it is going to be fun again this year.
Some of us "young" mothers went to Fazolli's after (definately looking forward to the adult conversation and child-free lunches again).
Elizabeth will start pre-school next Tuesday and she is very excited. I will be a sub for GL's preschool so it should be interesting.
Crystal is painting Elizabeth's and Thomas' rooms today and tomorrow so I can put their new beds in their rooms and start working on getting their room's just like I want them.
I had a great summer but am looking forward to my old schedule again and seeing friends more frequently.
God bless!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

God's Beauty

We just got back from Ruidoso and it was beautiful. We usually go in July and it is usually pretty dry. But it was lush and green and rained 2 days while we were there. When you get to see mountains and trees and it is really peaceful and laid back, you can really enjoy the beauty of God's creation.
We went with my mother and Brice. They hadn't been since they moved from there 15 yrs ago. Cody wanted to go so he invited them to go with us. It was fun for them to see how it has grown and to get to visit with some people they hadn't seen in so long.
The kids LOVED it!! Cody took them on nature walks and they got to see deer and play in the puddles after the rain. We went to the Flying J as usual and the kids loved it. Elizabeth danced in the aisle and Thomas just sat in my lap w/his hands folded staring at the stage.
It was nice to get away. I know Cody really needed a break. It was nice to go to Ruidoso since we didn't go there for our annual Dye family vacation.
You know the Bible said give thanks in everything we do. He is so good and when you look and think about how he cares even for the tiniest of things how much more He cares for us and wants for us.
3 John 2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." That is what John prayed for us and that is what God wants for us. Know that He is good. He loves us, he hates when we sin and turn away from Him but He wants us all to go to Heaven. Repent and accept Jesus and feel God's love and know that He has taken care of ALL of your needs and we will see Him in Glory!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

7 Years

Monday, Cody and I have been married 7 years. It is so hard to believe that it has been that long. It has just flown by. There was seven yrs between my divorce and my marriage to Cody and I will tell you those were the most lonely in my life. But I prayed every single day for the Lord to send me my best friend, my soul mate, a Christian man that would love and take care of me. The Lord gave me everything I asked for and more. From our first encounter I knew that Cody was the man God sent for me.
Cody loves the Lord and it shows in his whole attitude and the way he treats others.
He is a wonderful husband. I am bossy. I know that. Some people think that I boss Cody around and that he does everything I tell him to do. It might look that way but it is certainly not. But that is one of the things about Cody that is genuine. He doesn't care if people think that because he knows the truth. He will even joke around that I am the boss - but believe me he knows when to put me in my place.
He is a hard worker and loves people. At work, his main priority is the health and wellfare of his patients. If he gets paged and we are in the middle of something, he could tell them that he is busy and they will have to wait, but he stops what he is doing and heads right over to the pharmacy. He works 4 days a week and his on call everyweekend and week night - even if he is off that day. He gets maybe one weekend off that he is not on call. But he loves what he does it is in his heart.
He is the best dad. I might be irritated at the certain ways he does things - which I find most wives/mothers have about their husband/fathers - such as when they are off they want to be off from everything. But those are minor and really just a selfishness that I need to work on. He is the best dad. He plays with the kids, watches movies over and over with the kids, reads them the same book over and over again (within an hours span). He plays with them in the pool and at the park. Just very attentive but firm. He helps me every night to bathe them and put them to bed. He is definately more patient than I am (I think some days it has to do with the hours I spend with them). We laugh together about things they say or do that we find funny or odd even. He is the best dad I have ever seen. He will be a great example for Elizabeth in what to look for in a husband and for Thomas in how to be a husband. He puts us first always - even if he would rather be playing golf he will stay home with us - because he knows that we need time with him even if it is just sit around the house and hang out.
The Lord answers prayers and I have proof of that. He gave me more than I could have hoped for and everything I needed in a husband. I thank Him everyday for Cody.
Thank you for 7 wonderful years and many more until we are forever in the presence of our Lord.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Not much going on here. Maybe getting some beds for the kids and a mattress for us at my uncle's store. Saturday ate dinner with Will and Pam-the couple who Elizabeth was their flower girl at their wedding. It was nice to see them and hear about their honeymoon cruise. Sunday we went to church - usual routine. Monday I went to visit my sister and hang out for a bit. Today had the last playgroup before Ladies Bible Class starts up. And I have been doing alot of reading. I used to read all the time but since I had kids I just couldn't find the time but I will tell you that the Lord has opened up so much more time for me since I have been studying His word and getting my hands on great teaching books. One of the BEST that I have gotten recently is "the name of Jesus"by Kenneth E Hagin, Sr. It is excellent. If you want to know what all that name entails, you have to get that book. It makes me think how much we truly put Him in a box and how we trivialize God, Jesus and everything They have done and everything they have given us. It should truly make us fall on our face and give Him praise.
God Bless!!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to me...

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 35. My husband and children got me a fancy coffee maker for my birthday - it is exactly what I needed and wanted. My husband truly pays attention to the things I say, I give him a hard time sometimes but he is the BEST!!!
Tuesday night Cody watched the kids so I could go to my friend Lisa's house to eat and visit - a girls night out. When I got there she had gotten some other of my girl friends together and had a little surprise party. We ate pizza and played games. It was sooo much fun!!!! It really meant a lot to me. Wednesday, Cody, the kids and I went to Carino's for lunch. Cody had taken me out to El Chico's (my all time favorite mex restaurant) last Saturday since my birthday was Wednesday - church night. Then we went to Bassett furniture store - my uncle is one of the owners - to check out a sale they are having. We are going to get a new mattress - praise God, and I am praying that I will get the kids new beds to go w/their newly decorated rooms, whenever I get that painting done.
Anyway, it was a great day full of love and happiness and I got to spend it with my super-great husband and my beautiful children.
Praise God for His goodness!!

Monday, July 24, 2006


What a hectic week. We haven't gotten back on our usual schedule since vacation because Shirley's (mother-in-law) younger brother was in town with his wife and kids so we visit with them every night, which is always fun but that meant staying up later than usual and not staying home and doing things I need to do - like unpack. Plus, my sister Juli got put in the hospital - she was having tightness in her chest and she was so swollen from her pregnancy. She went to the ER and was dx with CHF (her resp were 30's - they should be 60's). She is fine now and at home - they are now sayings she had post partum preeclampsia. She will go back for more test in a couple of wks. But like I told her - I have prayed for a complete recovery and she just needs to believe it with me. I also have some of the nicest friends. They are going to be taking some meals to her so that she doesn't have to worry about cooking for a couple of days. She of course felt like they didnt' need to do that. I told her that they were trying to bless her and she just needed to say thank you. It is hard for her to accept help. Some of it I think has do with when she was younger and a single mom she was given help and made to feel guilty for it. Now she NEVER asks for help from anyone. Please keep her in your prayers and thank you for your friendships. I am truly blessed. Praise Jesus for He is the Answer.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Vac & New Nephew pics

My sister Juli and baby Braun (3 days old). (Doesn't my sister look beautiful - she think she looks ugly.)Elizabeth eating spagetti.

Elizabeth, Holt, Thomas & Reid. These are our nephews from Cody's sister Erica.
Thomas eating spagetti. And my sister Juli's kids (before Braun) and Elizabeth & Thomas.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

We're Back!!!

We left last Thursday and stayed in FW and went to the Zoo Friday. That helped so much since our trip was about all together 12 hrs long. When we got to the condos we were surprised to find them not as we thought they would be. They were a little dingy - esp my bathtub which looked like it had never been cleaned - but otherwise it was nice. Each family had their own room and bathroom, we also had a washer and dryer and kitchen, so we really had everything we needed. We left this Thursday and stayed in Arlington this time. We had a friend book us a room on line, let us just say it was in a VERY BAD neighborhood and I think the trains would have kept us up. So we spent a small fortune to stay at another hotel but we got a suite so we all - my family and my inlaws - had beds. We got home last night. It is funny how you never really rest on vacations.
Well, while we were gone my sister had her baby - Jake Brawn, they are going to call him Brawn. He was a 6lbs ? oz and was 21 in long. Praise God he does not have downs and is perfect. This is her 4th and final. I have to compliment my sister, she works 5 days a wk has to drive 20 miles into town everyday, comes home takes care of her kids, cleans, cooks and takes care of dogs, chickens and her family and never asks for help. She works very hard!! We are going to go see the new babe after lunch today.
Also, my step-father has been having chest pains and it moved into his left arm yesterday so he called his dr and they told him to go to the Heart Hospital and have it checked out. Turns out he had 99% blockage to his right coronary artery and have to have a stent put in - Prais God no heart damage.
I am so bad about taking pics that the only ones I got on vacation were of the kids eating spagetti.
I will post some later - the kids are calling me.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


By Wednesday Elizabeth was completely well and we went to our first and the last night of VBS for 2006. Both the kids had a great time. Thursday night we took the kids to stay with Cody's parents so they wouldn't have to get up early Friday. Friday we left with the Flemings for our 2nd annual road trip to see the Rangers and to visit with our dear friends. It was a blast. We always have a good time when the 4 of us get together. What was really funny is we got into the car and started discussing what we wanted for lunch. I asked if they liked Chinese and they said yes and if we had a place in mind. I said PF Chang's and they just looked at us funny because that was the place they wanted to eat. They had heard about it but had never eaten there. Anyway, it was awesome. The Rangers won so that was good. Saturday we woke up and went to the Grapevine mall and did a little shopping before heading home. By the way our hotel bed was awesome!!!!! It cuddled you!! We ate at Paposito's on our way out of town. When we got home we headed straight for the hotel for the last leg of the Dye family reunion. It is always a blast. We visit and play lots of games. Tomorrow (Monday) I need to do what I normally do...laundry and clean the house but this time it will also to get ready for our next road trip.
We decided driving straight to Sam Rayburn would be wayyyy to long, so we will be stopping in Ft Worth and staying with our cuz the Watkins, get up and go to the zoo and then finish the rest of the trip to SR. Cody is very excited to get some days off. He works so hard and not really appreciated for all the work he does. I just want him to be happy. I tell him that always. But we pray and trust the Lord for the wisdom to guide us through to where He wants us to be.
I am sure I will post more pics from our vacation.
I have to say that I am very sad. My friend Jennifer and her husband and son will be moving. I will miss them, but her especially because we are very close and we have a lot in common. She is a beautiful woman on the inside and out. I will miss her but hope to see her often. It's not goodbye it is see you soon!! xoxo

Monday, June 26, 2006

Here are the pictures:

Flower Girl

Well, we are back from Oklahoma. It was a very beautiful wedding for 2 sweet Christian people. It is funny we knew Will a little bit from his friendship with Cody's sister (and he is from Monahans - my Uncle & his family live there) and we know Pam because Cody used to work with her. They are so sweet and so perfect for each other. Anyway, we got to Weatherford OK on Friday afternoon, tried on and picked up Elizabeth's dress, checked into the hotel then went to Cordell for the rehersal and dinner. All was well, Elizabeth did a great job. She kept saying "when is my wedding". It was cute. We did not get to the hotel until around 10 and Cody had promised E she could go swimming. Thomas did not want to go so I gave him a bath and put him to bed. Elizabeth came back around 11 (when the pool closed) and was so excited because she had walked down all but one step by herself. Anway I gave her a bath and put her to bed. At around twelve I hearded the dreaded "umph", that is right, Elizabeth had thrown up all over the bed so we rushed to the bathroom where she continued to throw up (chunks of food - sorry!!!). Needless to say from 12 - 6 she had thrown up 3 times. When she woke up at about 8 she was in a great mood and wanted to go swimming. So we went and ate breakfast, went to Rocky OK to get Elizabeth's hair fixed for the wedding and went to Cordell to the church to change and wait for the wedding. It went off without a hitch and everyone thought Elizabeth did great - praise God! She threw her flowers before the bride and after the bride - she just knew she was supposed to throw her flowers when she walked down the aisle - again everyone thought it was precious. So we went to the reception and wished them well then started on our way back home. 3 miles outside Amarillo Elizabeth began to throw up again 2 x. We stopped at Home Plate Diner to eat and get her out of her carseat and she threw up 2 more times. We decided we did not want to risk the rest of the drive home and thought she needed to rest. She slept great and did not throw up again. Yesterday she was still not her self and so me and the kids missed the first night of VBS and it looks like we will tonight too. She woke up and threw up 2 x within 15 min. She is asleep now and we have a dr appt at 2:20.
Life is never dull. Here are some pics of Elizabeth in her dress and our family. Have a great week and God bless!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

I thought I would blog now, since I don't know when I will get a chance in the next 3 wks. Tomorrow (6/23) we leave for OK, Elizabeth is going to be a flower girl in a wedding. She is very excited. I have to say I am too. I am curious to see how she is going to react to having to walk down the aisle with lots of people staring at her. We get back Sunday (6/25) and that night starts VBS, which we are helping with. Then Thursday night (6/29) we drive to Dallas with our friends, the Flemings so we can shop and go to a Ranger game. We did this last year and it was so much fun. With our busy lives we don't always get to visit with them and so this is something we really enjoy. It may become an annual thing. When we get back Saturday (7/1) we will catch up with the last half of the annual Dye family reunion. That is always fun. Everyone visits and plays games, especially 42. I have yet to master that game but sometimes I play and I get help from either my father-in-law or AJ (his brother). And the kids love it too, they get lots of attention. Then probably on 7/4 we will go to my mother's for holiday and pool time. The kids LOVE the pool! Then Friday (7/7) we leave for our annual Dye family vacation. This year it is just going to be Chet & Shirley, our family and the Freemans (Cody's sister Erica, her husband Rian and their 2 kids -Reid who is 2 1/2 and Holt who is 5 mos), to San Rayburn. I have never been there and only know it is HOT!!! We usually go to Ruidoso, so this should be interesting - I don't really like hot.
So it may be awhile till I blog. But I wanted to say I hope you all have a safe and happy summer. God bless you all.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Father's Day

What a wonderful day to celebrate. Sometimes I think father's get jipped when it comes to holidays. Such as Valentines, it always somehow becomes the women's day. I never understoond that. I find it joyful to celebrate my love for my husband, not just his love for me.
We should give special thought tomorrow on the father's in our lives be it your father, grandfather and your husband. Celebrate their love and support.
I just thought of this too. We have another Father that we need to celebrate His love for us. So why not just send a little prayer of thanks out to God tomorrow and let Him know how much He means to us.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I am in a reflective mood this morning. I get up early every morning to read my devotional of the day and then read a couple of chapters of my Bible and meditate on them. I try to give myself or rather the Lord at least that hour every day. As I do this, I realize that that is still not enough. I do, through out the day, read books about the Word and living in the Word also, especially the one I am reading right now, To Know Him. It puts in perspective how we evaluate the time in our lives. Now we are all busy people with work and children, etc. But how much time do we give extra activities - entertainment such as TV, movies, video games, sports, reading (not the Word or books about the Word). Even that time is not the Lord's time. When we read His word and praying to Him - that is our time of fellowship with Him.
When you think about all that God does for us, what Jesus did and does for us daily, hourly, every minute of every second of every day, do we not feel a little sad that we maybe give him an hour a day or for some one hour a week and some even less.
We were created to be companions to Him. Adam and Eve walked with Him in the Garden. That was our purpose - He LOVES us and WANTS to fellowship with us. He is our Father. Think of it in that way, how much we love our children. Enjoy being around them. Love the hugs and kisses we get from them. That is also His desire, His want.
I thank the Lord for loving me, watching over me and taking care of me everyday. But as the saying goes "action speak louder than words".

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

One more oddity

Okay, yesterday Elizabeth was outside playing and tripped over a step in the sidewalk. She layed on the ground until I picked her up, not unusual, but she jerked away from me as I picked her up. She then preceeded to cry for about 20 minutes. Now she is a drama queen but that was a little too much so we prayed for her elbow and then went to the dr and had some x-rays. No break. We put ice and gave Motrin. After a good night sleep a little pampering all day she is now using her arm and showing off how much she can move it. Praise God.
As for my mother's dr appt - praise God again - no tumor.
He is so good.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Time Flies

Where does the time go. Sometimes the wks just fly by and I don't feel like I have accomplished anything.
This was definately a month for out of the ordinary. My dad had to go into the hospital for tests - he had nodules on his lungs - I still don't know the results of those. My mother had to have an MRI because of some difficulty hearing and a red flag came up for the possiblity of a tumor - more than likely benign - I won't hear about the results until Wednesday when she has her doctor's appt. Last Saturday, I threw my back out - for the 4th time since I had my daughter. But I didn't have to have bed rest, pain killers or steroid injections this time and it doesn't hurt at all anymore. Prayers answered on that.
Today, we went to my mothers and swam with my sister and her kids. They always have a great time.
Life is good. My husband is perfect - in my eyes. My children are sweet. And I am happy. Praise God for the soldiers past, present and future who risk their lives for the freedoms we have.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


These are my beautiful children that make being a mother special. God has greatly blessed me.
My mother's day was pretty nice. Earlier in the week Cody had taken the kids to buy my presents. Of course when I asked Elizabeth if she bought me a present she told me what it was. A jewelry box. But that's okay. I was actually impressed because it is what I needed and had spotted them at Sam's but didn't really make a big deal of it. It is really pretty and big.
Well Saturday we took my mother to Red Lobster with my sister and her kids. It was really fun to all get together and visit. Sierra, Juli and I went to the mall after while the kids, Cody, Mother and Brice went swimming - they actually floated in a big raft in the pool, but they had a blast!
Last night I opened my presents from the kids - perfume - and Cody's my jewelry box.
Today after church we went with Cody's parents to Carino's. We came home - Cody washed dishes while I changed the kids clothes (I wish it was Mother's Day every day) and we took naps.
Oh yeah, Friday night we went to the drive in and took the kids. It wasn't too bad. Thomas sat in my lap and went to sleep but Elizabeth did not fall asleep until 11:30 and she hadn't had a nap all day. But it was fun, something we will probably do again.

Monday, May 08, 2006

What a week

Well, last week was pretty busy. I went to a ladies bible study Monday night. Tuesday was Ladies Bible Class at church. Wednesday, I took my grandmother to get her hearing aids checked and Thomas' ears. More wax build up so we are going back to the ENT doctor. Thursday and Friday I had my nephew-let me just say disobedience breeds disobedience. If one doesn't want to do something, the other doesn't want to either. Needless to say there was tears, and crying and screaming but the toys finally got picked up. The rule is now that if they don't pick up they don't get to play. After lunch Reid sat on the couch real still. So he got to get down sooner than Elizabeth who thought if she didn't want to sit down I wouldn't make her. Boy, does she have a lot to learn. This is the new phase we are going through. Hopefully it won't last long, but it has been the hardest to get through. Saturday we went to a going-away/class party. After we left Cody and I went to spend some "alone" time together. We bought Mother's Day gifts for our moms and went to a restaurant and ordered some snacks and visited for about an hour. Yesterday was church and before bedtime, we took the kids to a park to play. They had a blast!!
Not much going on today. Tomorrow is Ladies Bible Class, Wednesday we go to the ear doctor, Thursday I keep Reid and Friday night Elizabeth is going to try on her flower girl dress for the wedding she is going to be in this summer. She is excited.
I pray for blessed weeks for all of you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I am a very passionate person when it comes to my faith. I have always had a very close relationship with God for as long as I can remember. I brought every question, every desire, and every happiness to Him. When I was about 10 I did hear from God about my salvation. Of course I didn't necessarily know what all it entailed, but that I needed and wanted to be closer to Him. However, due to the fact that my mother was not a Christian at that time and I was visiting my dad and you would join the church (which I don't think it was like an exclusive membership to THAT church but just a joining of THE Church) she thought it ridiculous that I would join the church that I didn't go to regularly - this is an example of just ignorance and whatever was going on with her at the time. I just know that I was very upset that a greater relationship with God was put on hold. I was born again as a junior in high school. Through stupid decisions on my part and not really walking with God I got married and divorced after a yr 1/2 by the time I was 22. However, through my divorce I put everything I had into developing and nurturing my relationship with God. I did however wait to be baptized (in water) until the night before my marriage to the wonderful Christian man I prayed for and God sent me. My husband is Church of Christ- he was afraid I was going to get hit by a car before we got married and I would go to hell. I just consider myself a Christian I am not a denomination. My followings are what God tells me, not what doctrine man has come up with - that is how denominations were originated - different interpretations of the Word. I guess you would call it non-denomination. And in that there have been times when my Spirit is very sad. So many times I feel that limitations are put on God and what Jesus has done for us and how diverse backgrounds cause conflict within the Body. We are all never going to agree (the devil at work) but God does call us to be unified, that we as the Body of Christ, Believers, the Church we are to be unified. Ephesians 4:3-4 says "Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of and produced by the Spirit in the binding power of peace. There is one body and one Spirit-just as there is one hope that belongs to the calling you received-there is one Lord, one faith-that Jesus is our Lord and Savior-one baptism-into Christ. And 1 Cor 12:25 says "So that there should be no division or discord or lack of adaptation but the members - the body- all alike should have a mutual interest in and care for one another." I tell you these scriptures were given to me after much prayer. I had seen Christians setting themselves apart from others of the body because of denominational differences. What is sad to me is that God is so much bigger and Jesus so much greater than the things people allow Them to do or things They have done. I don't claim to know it all but maybe having not been necessarily raised in the church and not just having just gone to one denomination's church but finding a place for myself - discovering for myself (through biblical study and listening to awesome teachers of the Word) what God's plan is for me and the Church, I learned things with fresh eyes and having to look things up in the Bible, study it, found it out for myself not just believe what I heard since I was a child. My husband, he knows it, and I can discuss issues that we don't agree on and he can quote scriptures but can't tell me what he thinks it means or defend his views because he will say - that is what he grew up knowing and heard. I do not discriminate against any church with what it chooses to believe, again that is between the Church and it's parishioners and God and as the bible says (above) something that I am not supposed to do, I just know what my Spirit and the Word reveals to me. God is so good and His Glory so great. I am blessed to know Him and know that He has blessed me in all areas of my life. God is no discriminator of persons - all who believe in the name of Jesus are His children, His body, His Church. I pray everyday for greater understanding of His word and what His plan is for me. None of us know it all, but we should continue to want to know more everyday. That is my goal. God has a plan for me and I just pray that I am doing what He wants me to do. He is who I answer to. If I don't do or say what is in my heart/spirit than I am doing myself and Him a disservice.
I love you all and pray for you everyday.

Monday, May 01, 2006

What a week

Wednesday I took my grandmother to see my friend who is an audiologist. We have been telling my grandmother for years she needed hearing aids but she would just blow us off. Well, I told her I was making her an appointment and she was going. My friend told her how bad her hearing was and that could get dangerous as far driving goes. I guess seeing it on paper and hearing it from a professional sank in. She got 2 hearing aids and she never once while I was with her that day asked me to repeat what I said. In fact, one of her friends told her a couple of days later "You sure are hearing better today"- she hadn't told them she got hearing aids. So I think she is glad she finally got them. I think she will have more confidence to go do more things - like plays and such.
Wednesday night Elizabeth came into our room, her breathing sounded like a frieght train. We gave her a breathing treatment, gave her some medicine and prayed for her. She got up the next morning with a raspy voice. I went ahead and took her to see her doctor - she was perfectly fine.
Friday Cody was off and since my in-laws were out of town and the lady Reid normally stays with was trying to get packed to go out of town, we watched both Reid and Holt.
Saturday we just hung around the house and played with the kids. We went to Sam's just to look. I went to Kohl's and picked up a few tops and pants. I haven't shopped for myself since last summer. After supper we went to Bahama Bucks for shaved ice. The kids loved it.
Sunday we went to Church, ate lunch at Furr's with some friends and went home and took naps. Cody mowed the lawn. We went back to church, ate supper, went for a walk, bathed the kids and then put them in bed.
Needless to say at about 1:15 Thomas came to my room asking for water. I gave him some and then walked him to his room and he turned around, said "other one" and then walked to my room and got in my bed. We tossed and turned for about 20 minutes - he was wide awake. I tried to rock him, I got in bed with him. Finally I told him it was night night time and he needed to go to sleep and went and got in my bed. He followed me and crawled over me and layed down between Cody and I. At 3:30 he finally was asleep and I put him in his bed. It sounded like there was someone racing on one of the streets by our house and I think that woke him up.
Cody is off today and right now playing golf with his dad and an elder at our church. He rarely gets to play so I am glad he had someone to play with. When he gets back we are going to take the kids to play put put. They love golf too. It will be fun when they get older and we can all go to a real course and play.
If I don't say it enough, I am so blessed for the family and friends I have in my life. I thank God everyday for each and every one of them.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Let's Party

Again, I can't believe it has been so longed since I blogged. The time is just going by so quickly. Really an uneventful week. I did switch children on Thursday to babysit, I had Holt instead of Reid. Shirley had a funeral to go too and there was no way I was babysitting 4 children under 4.

We had a bible class party Saturday. We had a good turn out - about 6 couples. We rented a blow up castle for the kids to play on or should I say dads to play on. It went really good and the hot dogs were great!!

We went to church Sunday morning and Sunday night. I did have a weird thing happen to me on the way home from church. We were riding in the van and out of no where I got extremely dizzy where I had to close my eyes and the world was just spinning around me and anytime I turned my head or walked it hit me again. It was like that until I went to bed. But I prayed for healing so whatever it was is gone and I woke up fine. I did warn Cody to watch for slurred speech.

Tonight I rented a movie based on a book by my favorite author - Frank Peretti "The Visitation". I am glad to see people other than myself are interested in making his books into movies.

So the kids are in bed, I am going to have some "steak" and watch my movie. Oh yeah, when I was in high school Sam's carried these steak burritos that were sooooo good. After I graduated high school and was going to stock my freezer with these awesome burritos they no longer carried them, but THERE BACK !!!!!
Needless to say I am a happy women.

God Bless!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Busy Week

I didn't realize how long it has been since I blogged. I had a busy week. Monday was the same staying home doing laundry etc. Tuesday, Ladies Bible Class, which I enjoy so much. Getting to visit with the older women of our church, getting to see all the young mother's my age (mainly it is girls from my bible class). We usually go out to lunch afterwards, which is nice to sit down to a meal and just visit with adults. I also watched my baby nephew for about an hour so my mother-in-law and father-in-law could go play golf. Wednesday, more laundry, playing with the kids outside. Oh, yes, and reading a new book my secret sister got me. It was House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. I haven't read anything from Ted Dekker before, but Frank Peretti is one of my favorite authors. My all time favorite books of his are This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. I like all his books but those 2 are my all time favorites. Anyway, I got the book Tuesday and finished it Friday night. I love to read. I am surprised with 2 kids that I was able to get it read that fast. Thursday I went to church and helped make packets and such for the additional classes they have added to our toddler and under classes for Sunday and Wednesday Bible Classes. Friday one of my dear friends came over with her kids and we talked and they played for a little bit then we went to McD's for lunch. Had a good visit but that was probably a bad idea. School was out for Good Friday and so there were all these older kids running over all the little kids on the play area. It was a little nerve racking.
Saturday, Cody and I went to Levelland to look at mini-vans. We had been looking at night around Lubbock but couldn't really find a newer used van for the price we wanted to pay. Cody had called ahead and there was a dealer ship in Levelland who had an '05 Chrysler Town and Country for the price we were looking for. We went and test drove the van. It was really nice and clean and drove great. We told them all we had was our trade-in and we wanted our payments to be what we were already paying. I prayed for favor and now we are the proud owners of a new to us mini-van with the stow'n go capacity. It is great and will save us so much on gas compared to our Expedition.
Sunday, we went to Church and had Easter at my house with my mom and sister and her kids. Last night we went to my in-laws and the kids hunted eggs. It was fun.
Today, I am busy doing laundry and cleaning house. We are having our Ladies Bible Study at my house tonight and Saturday our Bible Class class party at our house. Cody asked me not to be my perfectionist self. It is hard but I will try not to be too obsessed with everything being perfect.
I hope you all had a blessed Resurrection Weekend. Praise God and God Bless you all!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

We are back!!

We left Thursday morning a little after 10. We dropped a present off at my in-laws for a birthday party we were going to miss. Then we dropped Elizabeth off at my mother's. We made really good time and Thomas did great. He watched Elmo all the way there. He did take a nap from Abilene to almost Weatherford. We left a huge wind storm in Lubbock, caught some rain in Weatherford and lots of wind in Dallas but not dirt with the wind. We were told we hadn't missed anything weather wise while we were gone. Just dirt, wind and cold.
Cody and Larry worked out Friday morning while Karen, Jenna and I took Thomas for a walk to a park in the neighborhood. We ate lunch and Thomas and Cody took a nap while I worked on the 2 lessons for the bible study group I go to.
All went well. The doc said Thomas' eye looked great and to come see him again in a yr. He predicts Thomas' second surgery will be at about 1st grade. I am praying for complete healing with no sign of pstosis. We met the cousins for dinner at PF Chang's Chinese Restaurant. Very good. So much better than buffet. Thomas really had fun with all of them but especially Jenna. He would get her to read to him and if she wasn't around he would always ask where she was and go look for her.
This morning Cody, Thomas and I got ready and went to Cattle Baron's for breakfast. We then went to the Ft Worth Zoo. That was a lot of fun. I took lots of pictures of the animals to show Elizabeth. I think sometime while it is still cool we will bring both of them back to go to the zoo and the botanical gardens. The kids love to walk and look and smell the flowers. I think it would be a lot of fun.
I have to say the trip was really nice too for Cody and I. He listened to Acapella there and back while I listened to Michael W Smith and Carmen and read my BVOV mags. It really lifted me up and encouraged me to increase my time in the word and work harder to walk in love.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. It really meant a lot to us. We love you!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Well it is Thursday morning. I have had my shower and am waiting for the kids to get up. We are leaving for Dallas today. Elizabeth will be staying with my mom. She is really excited. They have 2 labs and she loves it when pappy plays catch with them. Plus, she will be the only child so she will get lots of attention.
Poor thing, she has been complaining that her tummy hurt and since she get constipated very easily we always are asking if she needs to go poopoo. Which had been getting better but her last 2 were really big and hard (sorry!) so since we were going to be out of town I thought we should just get her looked at. Well all I can say is she is really full of it. Her colon is completely full, she has a huge gas bubble in her stomach and is really full of poop. So we have been giving her MOM and a stool softener and will do that for 10 days and see how its going. But we prayed about it so I know she will be fine.
One thing that is so cute and blesses me so much is Elizabeth thinks about people when we pray. Last night she thanked God that Uncle Don was healed by the stripes of Jesus. And she always wants to pray when one of us is sick. It really blesses me to see her have a relationship with God and know to pray at such an early age. I wish I had that when I was her age.
We are going to stay with Cody's cousin in N Richland Hills - we stayed with them when Thomas had his surgery. They are really great people. We see them every year at the family reunion so this will be a nice little pre-reunion.
Oh, by the way we are going to Dallas for a follow-up of Thomas' plastic surgery last year for pstosis of his left eye (droopy eye lid). The lid isn't covering his pupil anymore but his eye doctor feels that it is still a little low. I still have had children & adults ask what is wrong with his eye. It upsets me only that I don't want him to ever feel like there is anything wrong with him. It really isn't as bad as it was. But as a mom you don't want them to ever have insecurities. So I just pray that he doesn't and hope that the surgery he has at about 4 (they will take muscle from his leg and put it into his eyelid) will be perfect and no one will ever know he had a droopy lid.
Well, we are about to leave so write to you later.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It needs to be said...

I am a Christian women. I believe in the Lord my God and Jesus Christ my Savior with all of my heart and soul. I write about things in my blog that pertain to my life and the people in my life. Jesus is the biggest part of my life. I would not be where or who I am today without Him. I tried it on my own and I didn't do a very good job of having a good and happy life. In fact, I honestly had no joy in my life. Jesus has given me that here on Earth and I know I will receive it when I go home to be with Him.
I do not force my beliefs on anyone, but it is my duty as a Christian to tell everyone anyway I can about the good news. I also do not condem anyone who does not belief, I pray for them. That if it is not me, then someone else will enter their life and they will hear the truth from them. I celebrate my life in Him everyday and to deny or omit Him would just not be who I am.
God Bless you and I pray many blessing upon your lives and family.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Plan change...again

Everything started out well. But I am sometimes a fly at the seat of your pants girl...that doesn't always work. Everything was going well with moving Elizabeth's bed into Thomas' room with a couple of changes to modify the bed, but Cody was trying to help Brice and let's just say, Cody is not a handy man. He decided we should just use one of the frames we already had. So we took the sides of Elizabeth's old day bed, painted them red and put them on the bed frame from the day bed. It looks really cute. But where I was going to use Thomas' convertible bed and one of the other mattresses from the daybed-trundle bed..well, that didn't work, because the convertible makes into a full bed not a twin we are going to have to buy her a new head and footboard anyway. But that is okay with me. That way I can get a really cute girly bed. So if anyone wants to buy a convertible baby bed, let me know.
Cody I think is better about the situation before but he did tell me next time he would listen to what I am saying and we would discuss it. See, I told him everything I was going to do and he never really complained or questioned it. So I feel no guilt.
The kids are asleep and probably Cody is too. I will take a shower and get ready because tonight we are going to the ABC Rodeo. The kids should love it. Yes, Sesame Street was a treat for the kids too. But our friend that went with us her son started throwing up at 11 last night and Thomas has had some diahrea (sp) so they may have caught something off the chair they both licked!!
Shower time!!!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Things don't always turn out as planned..

Well, most of my week did not turn out how I had planned, but plans are made to be broken or is that rules....
I kept my nephew yesterday like I always do. No big issues maybe just a little sharing and a little pushing. But they have their days. No big fights or injuries so all is well. We did keep some friends of ours little boy overnight so they could go on a date. Elizabeth and Thomas love him. Thomas followed him around all night and Elizabeth wanted him to take a bath with them and she wanted to sleep with him. All went well and this morning his parents, Elizabeth, Thomas & I went to Chik-fil-A. After they watched E & T so I could go to Lowe's and buy paint. I bought some paint for the kids furniture and got one side of E new footboard painted. I think it is going to look real nice.
Tonight a girlfriend and I are going to take our kids to Sesame Street live. We went last year minus Thomas, he wouldn't have understood or lasted that long. But Thomas loves Elmo and all the Sesame Street characters so I think he will have a blast. It was so funny last year because the kids didn't understand why we had to wait for Elmo to come out so I said that he was taking a shower to get ready for the show. Then they had an intermission and the kids were crying and wondering where Elmo was so I said that he had to go potty.
I can't wait to see what happens tonight. Not much else this weekend except I am going to try and finish painting furniture and sometime go visit my great uncle who is in the hospital following surgery to remove cancer from his colon. His son is in town and we don't get to see him ever so I am looking forward to that. I missed his wife though, she had to fly back home. They are both really sweet people.
Well, off to wait for napping children to arise and hold them off until it's time to go to the show.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Today is another story

Okay, Today is Tuesday. Ladies Bible Class. That is how I describe my day. Well, needless to say all I wanted to get done yesterday did not happen. However, today is another story. The water guy came and got it all set up. He hasn't put my new faucet in yet, that should be tomorrow. And I got the kids rooms and playroom all organized now.
My next project is to paint Elizabeth's new bed (Thomas' old convertible bed) and Thomas' new bed (Elizabeth's old bed - it looks more masculine) and put them in their new places. Then my next project.....paint...every room in the house.
Next week I get my new dinning room table and chairs. I am very excited about that.
Eventually, I am going to make this house my home instead of the house we live in with it's old owners style.
We had a good lesson in class today. We are discussing how to tell others about Jesus. I had a revelation a couple of years back that I am going to share. I wonder have you thought why are we here....God create us to fellowship with. He created us for the same reason we have children. Now the problem is because of sin and us being set apart from God our spirits yearn for that fellowship (the reason we were created) so people look to fill that void with other things...drugs, alcholol, sex, other gods. Did you ever think about that. That is why those who don't know Christ are not happy...they haven't found out why they are here. There was also another point made as to how to approach someone who absolutely feels that their sins are far too great for God to forgive. First, that is pride! Are they bigger than God? Is what they have done more impactful than what Jesus did? Ask them those questions and let them think on that..then tell them what Jesus did do, what it means, and how great it is.
Okay, sermon ya!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Babies

Here are my precious gifts. Elizabeth turned 3 in January and Thomas turned 2 this month.
Pure joy!!!


Well, Thomas finally had his 2nd birthday party on Saturday and I think it went really well. All adults seemed happy and all the children played & laughed hard (no fights broke out). So I would say it was a success.
You know when I first had kids I had thought that just milestone birthdays we would have family and friends and all others just family. But when you get into parenting you just see that it really can't be that way, especially if you have a lot of friends and you get invited to their birthday parties. The kids really enjoy having and getting to go to these parties. It is like their time and their chance to get to "hang out" with their friends where they aren't in school or church where they don't really get to talk, visit and play. So my views have changed and I think for the better.
I have to brag on my friends and family for a minute. I have the best!!! My family is always there for us. The grandparents are always volunteering to babysit, which is so nice and we are so lucky that both sets of parents live in the same town as us. We are luckier than most. Next, mine & my husbands brother and sisters are such great aunts and uncle. They are always here for us and them and I appreciate and love them so much. And my grandmother is the queen of all queen's when it comes to grandmothers. My maternal grandmother went to live with Jesus when I was a senior in high school and my paternal grandmother always makes sure that her family is taken care of. She spoils me and my kids!!
Our friends, they are so good. I have the sweetest, kindest friends. We enjoy playing with each others children, visiting, and fellowshipping with each other. I will tell you what, friends are friends but when you have friends that you can fellowship with - talk about, praise about and have true discussions of faith in the Lord, those are true friends that you will have forever. And I am soooo blessed!!
Okay, I tried to put new pics of the kids up but it didn't go. So I will post this and then just try and post the pics by themselves.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring is here and it is snowing...

I have had a pretty busy week. We are getting a new water softening system and r/o water. We were renting from Culligan but found this new system at the Home & Garden Show. So he put in our new r/o water system and we got this fancy spout, so....we had to get a new faucet. This new one has the vegetable sprayer on the faucet spout. It is real pretty. We have had some people come and give estimates for new counter tops in the kitchen. We will probably wait awhile for is quite expensive. But definitely one day...especially if we ever decide to move...that would be a big plus when selling it.
The kids are good. They loved the snow last night. It has been in the 80's and now it is in the 30's with snow. But we got lots of rain which we needed, so praise God for that. But we could use some more. The lakes and water areas are really low.
Well, Saturday is Thomas' rescheduled birthday party...I just need a few more things to pick up.
I have to say I just love fellowship. I really enjoy when I get to talk with my friends about the Lord and all He does for us. It really blesses me. It gets my spirit worked up, which is what we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be excited about the Lord. He is awesome and I have always been blessed in my life when I have followed Him. I notice that whenever bad things have happened in my life I was not following the Lord the way I should have been. But He always leads me back to the path He has for me. I praise God and thank Jesus everyday for the wonderful life I have because of them.
Sermons you all.
It is on my heart to say this. If you need prayers...for anything and maybe you don't know who to turn to...please feel free to ask for them. I will pray for you. Remember too that the Lord listens to EVERYONE's prayers...He is no respecter of persons He loves us ALL!
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19