Sunday, June 17, 2007

Face vs Swing...

Poor Thomas he walked right into Elizabeth's swing path. Cody said he didn't cry. As we sat down to eat I noticed his lip looked a little swollen but the longer we ate the bigger it got. At one point I couldn't look at it because it looked like his lip would explode. Now he just looks like Daffy Duck. I hope it looks better tomorrow!

Elizabeth playing in Lady's dipping pool. She sat out there for about 20 minutes, getting out every few minutes to make footprints on the sidewalk. She tried to coax Lady in but she wouldn't have any of it.

Elizabeth & Thomas loving on each other. They asked me to take this picture!!!

Elizabeth & Thomas couldn't quite make it to the end of the movie...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pull up free!!!!

Okay, 2 days in accidents. All day today - 1 accident this morning...with being at a ball game and going to the grocery store...could it be???

Thomas is a "big boy" now!!!

Not much going on here except trying to keep the house looking picked up. Cody has been working extra hours so it is just me and the kids alot.

All of us got short dos - sorry no pics.

Getting ready for a busy summer - mainly July. 2 weddings 1 family reunion.
A cousin is getting married in Kileen, Dye family reunion here, and Bubba's (Bryce - Cody's brother) wedding in Cozumel - Elizabeth is going to be the flower girl and Thomas is going to be the ring bearer. They are looking forward to flying. Now if those darn passports would just come in.

I love summer but unless you are a teacher, have kids in school or are married to is just like anyother string of months. But after next year all that will change - my baby girl will be in kindergarten (sp)!!

I will try to be a better poster this summer!!!
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19