Thursday, August 31, 2006

And so it begins...

We are getting back to a routine of sorts as school begins. This will be Elizabeth's first time at preschool. She is very much looking forward to it. Thomas, I think will enjoy his "mommy" time all to himself and playing without any competition for toys.
Today, we get the kids new beds. I think I am as excited, if not more so, than they are. I can finally start making this house a "home". It has been 2 years since we moved in. Is that sad or does it just state that having children only 14 months apart and at the time of the move only 1 1/2 aned 8 months old.
Everyone is out of diapers. Yeah!!!
I am going to LBC on Tuesdays and will sub Mon & Wed for our churches preschool. After Elizabeth's school on Tuesdays & Thursdays I will be watching Addison (our friend's daughter and Elizabeth's friend who she will be going to school with).
Hopefully we will also be getting together with friends more for fellowship for us as well as the kids. I hadn't realized how much I miss my friends since the summer started.
Other than that, cleaning and laundry. Hopefully more painting. Cody's sister, Crystal, did a great job on the kids rooms.
Cody is great, kids are great, life is good and God is great!!


The Binkley Family said...

Glad things are going well. Post some pics of the new beds when they come in!What colors did you paint?

Lisa Renee said...

I have our "Meet the Teacher" tonight but I plan on maybe coming over sometime this weekend to take a peek! Ahhhhh IS refreshing isn't it?!

Lisa Renee said...

I have our "Meet the Teacher" tonight but I plan on maybe coming over sometime this weekend to take a peek! Ahhhhh IS refreshing isn't it?!

Lisa Renee said...

I have our "Meet the Teacher" tonight but I plan on maybe coming over sometime this weekend to take a peek! Ahhhhh IS refreshing isn't it?!

Klamfam said...

I am so glad you are excited about school! I know that the kids are enjoying it. I can't wait to see your house!

"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19