Monday, June 26, 2006

Here are the pictures:


The Binkley Family said...

She looks so precious! That hair is so beautiful, and the dress is really one of the best I have seen!

I hope she is better soon!

A D said...

Thank you!! She had so much fun. They had to remake the top of the dress from scratch because she is so small. They were really nervous it wasn't going to fit.

Lisa Renee said...

I love the hair too. I am so sorry that she was so sick! That is the worst kind of sick to be! Poor thing. I hope the dr.s appt. went well and that she is soon back to her sweet self.

A D said...

Dr appt was good but pretty much said it was just a virus. She had a little diaherra (sp) yesterday but today, all is well. BELIEVE ME!!!

Anonymous said...

April, it's "diarrhea". Just joking, I couldn't resist. Little Elizabeth looked adorable (I think she knew it, too). Talk to you later.

Klamfam said...

Wow...Elizabeth looks great!

"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19