Sunday, October 29, 2006

Horshoe Bay

We are back!! We left Thursday night to go to Brownwood. We spent the night with the Binkleys. It was so good to see them again and catch up with them. The kids were excited to see Zach.
The Binkleys were gracious enough to keep our kids while we went to Cody's conference on leadership at Horshoe Bay.
It was very beautiful. We played expensive golf on Thursday when we got there. It was double what Cody thought it was going to be, but there is a 24 hr cancellation policy, so...we played. It was fun though. We also played on their 72 par putting course, which is actually a miniture golf course that actually looks and is made like a real golf course. It was really beautiful and it had waterfalls and running streams everywhere. There were flamingos. It was neat.
We watched the TTU & Texas game at the marina restaurant. I have to say that I think it is awesome that Cody McCoy, the quarter back from UT gives all the glory to God regarding is ability to play. That is awesome!!!!
One of the things that I have been able to do at HB that I don't get to do at home is take a long hot soak. It was great!! I also went to get a massage today while waiting on Cody to get out of his meeting. It was pricey for 25 minutes so instead of getting a full massage, I just got a shoulder/neck massage. It was good but definately could have been much longer.
But it was GREAT to see the kids. Elizabeth ran up to me and just hugged. I love it. Thomas when he saw me ran up and gave me a big hug around the legs and then just wanted me to hold him until we left. They had a good time and Jennifer said they were behaved. I was thankful. This was their first time to stay with someone other than relatives.
Much, much thanks and love to the Binkley's for watching and taking care of our kids and just being the wonderul friends they are. We miss them but they are doing so well and their house is beautiful.
Jennifer took pictures of the kids at a pumpkin patch so I will post those when I get them. Sorry, I did not take pics on our trip but will post a postcard pic of the mgc.
It was lots of fun but I am glad to be home. Cody just went to bed, poor guy he is really tired and has to go to work tomorrow.
I will begin again the routine of my life. But you know what, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have my God, my family and my friends - it is all good!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why is it...

I have had this reflection before, and it is one that I have had to come to terms with as well. It saddens me that we have all been misled, unintentionaly by those teaching, but very intentional by the devil.
Why is it that we can believe that God, our father, is "out to get us" but yet say we have faith in His Word and His Love. We would rather believe horrible things about God or only look at the punishment He will one day show to those who don't believe or that He showed in the OT, than have doubts in our own faith.
Before grace, God did punish those who lived in sin and denied His power, but it was to them that He showed His anger. We as believers are to trust in his protection and love - just read Psalm 91 or for that matter any scripture in the bible. But since we all have grace through Jesus-who bore all the sin of the world -sanctified us to the Lord, that is no longer His way, because He has given the world a way out of their sins. The devil has deceived the world into believing that God makes bad things happen to teach us lessons or using the term "God's will" to explain things away. No where in the bible does it say that it is God's will to kill, steal or destroy. But that is how the devil is described. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it abundantly.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Ultimately sin. Because the devil has power in this world he will use it. He lies, he steals, he destroys and he kills.
There are so many promises to us in the Bible that are ignored or untaught. But if the word says it, I believe it whether I can explain it or not. If you have faith you can move mountains - change your situation. If you have faith, you shall have whatever you ask. In these and all promises it says that if we do not doubt, if you don't think that it will happen, it won't. If you think "we'll maybe" that is doubt. Jesus told all who were healed that it was their faith that made them whole. Those who did not believe were those who were not healed.
Lazarus died, not by God's hands, but Jesus used his death to show a miracle.
Why do some get healed and some not? Here are some suggestions from the book "Christ the Healer" by FF Bosworth.
1. Insufficient instruction - Ignorance concerning the healing power of the Gospel
You have to know it is God's will for you to be healed to actually have faith in it.
2.Lack of faith within the Church
In James 5, all Christians are commanded to pray for the healing of the sick, and to do it as earnestly as Elijah prayed for rain. Doubters are making it impossible for the Church to be in one accord in prayer and faith for the sick.
3.Community unbelief
The traditions that people today have been taught to believe in place of the plain Word of God on healing have turned the world into a Nazareth of unbelief.
If you can believe what the Word says about salvation, why not believe what it says about healing?
4. Traditions of Men
"God is the author of disease" and that He wills the sickness of some of His worshippers. If it is God's will for you to be sick then it would be a sin to be in the medical field, go to a doctor or even pray for healing and instead pray for sickness.
"we glorify God more by remaining sick and exhibiting patience that we can by being divinely healed" then Jesus robed God of all glory by healing those sick instead of showing God's glory in patience.
"the age of miracles has passed" - the most common
During this age the great promise is that God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. Jesus declared that the works which He was doing would be continued and that even "greater works" would be done by the Holy Spirit. There is but one Spirit dispensation, and it lies between the first and second comings of the Lord.
"If it be Thy will"
there is only 1 case in all the NT of one asking for healing that way. This man did not know God's will regarding healing. Jesus did not heal him until Jesus said He could heal him the faith that Jesus would heal him. His "I will" cancelled the "if" of the leper. To have real faith is to be fully persuaded that God will do what He has promised to do and no one is fully persuaded when he adds "if it be Thy will" when praying.
"Paul's thorn in the flesh" was some kind of physical trouble
In all the places in the bible where this expression is used (Num 33:55) the thorns are personalities - constant annoyances. Paul even states that the thorn in his flesh was a messenger of satan that repeatedly attacked him. He lists many kinds of trouble but never disease. Christ did not take away his burden to show him that the grace of God was sufficient to give him strength to bear all things. God's grace and mercy have always been given to enable us to bear our persecutions and temptations; but not to bear our sins and sicknesses, which He bore for us. God has never promised to take away Christians external buffetings, afflictions and temptations; he gives us grace to bear them. But He has always been ready to take away the internal, or bodily, oppressions of the devil, as well as our sins.
"Jesus healed the sick as the Son of God, not as the Son of Man."
The Scriptures teach us that Jesus, the Son of God, emptied Himself and became like unto His brethren in all things except as to sin. As the Son of Man, which he calls himself 80 times, I can of Mine own self do nothing." Jesus did not do one miracle until he received the Holy Spirit.
"Unbelief on the part of the elder or minister who prays for them"
"They regard iniquity in their heart"
"an Unforgiving spirit or holding a grudge"
"Wrongs unrighted"
"no purpose or diligence when seeking God for healing"
"because of improper instruction by confining God to miracles"
"watching their symptoms"
They make their feelings the basis for faith rather than God's Word, which He has made its only basis.
"do not act their faith"
The full excercise of faith means that we think faith, speak faith and act faith. We have to believe first with our hearts, then our minds will follow, and then our bodies.
"when tested cast away their confidence"
when you get a bad report or hit an obtacle you lose confidence in your prayer - faith
"neglecting to receive the Holy Spirit"
"they substitute their belief in the doctrine of Divine Healing for personal faith to be healed"
"their failure to receive the written promise of God as His direct Word to them"
"some will not believe that their prayer for healing has been heard until they have experienced and seen the answer"
Mark 11:24 says what things soever ye desire, WHEN YOU PRAY, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us. We know His will is for healing, or Jesus wouldn't have healed anyone. So we have to believe that our prayer has been heard when we really pray not because we see the answer but because God is faithful.
"some base their faith on their improvement after prayer rather than upon His promise"
They do not realize that there is no other reason for faith as good as the Word of God, and that God wants to train every Christian to believe Him when everything they can see, except His promise, is to the contrary.

I do not care if people do not believe me on any matter, but that they would argue the Word, is what breaks my heart. I only share what the Lord gives me, gives us all. Who can argue with God what His word says He will do. Because we don't believe it? Because we didn't see it? Because we have been dissapointed? I have seen and heard of many miracles and blessings. If you pray for something that would go against someone's will, then you should know that prayer will not be anwered, not because He doesn't answer all our prayers but because God does not promise to change someone else's will, if that were so would not everyone be saved? If you want something find scripture to back up your prayer. If it says it in the Word, if it is a promise of God, then it is so and true and if you deny it then you are calling God a liar.
It is easier to blame God than to look within ourselves for the failing of our faith.
I do not claim or presume to say I know it all. I only know what is revealed to me by the written Word of God and the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. To not share what I know would be to deny what He has given me and that is a sin I cannot bear.

Friday, October 13, 2006

What A Guy...

Have you ever known someone who puts you first? Have you ever known someone who never complains? Have you known someone who makes you laugh every day? Have you ever known someone who loves you just the way you are? Have you ever known someone who tells you your beautiful at every turn?
I do. That man is my husband. He always makes sure I have everything I need and a lot of what I want. When he has a day off, he always asks me first if I had any plans before he makes his own. He never gripes about work, I have to rip it out of him. He never complains about the house not being clean or clothes not being washed or when I don't have food ready when he gets home - I have been doing better. He is a constant reminder to me that I am blessed and that God does answer prayers-even better than we give Him credit for. No matter how fat or ugly I may feel or if I don't want to wear makeup, he is always telling me I am beautiful and he loves it when I go natural and put my hair in a ponytail.
I prayed for a Christian, best friend, loving, protecting, nurturing and good lover in a husband and the Lord blessed me with that and so much more. We have never had a big fight, we may disagree about something but we never go to bed angry and we never bring it back up later. He works hard to provide for me and our children. He is a super-great dad, just ask Elizabeth or Thomas. He is a great friend - to everyone. He is a great pharmacist-just ask any of his patients or friends or family that have a medicine question. He loves the Lord and I am blessed that he loves me. He is my best friend, my soul mate and my partner for life.
Thank you Cody for being everything that you are and giving the children and I everything that you have. We love you-forever and always.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Accidents will happen...

Well, we had our first big boo boo - that is one that requires an ER visit. We have had lots of boo boos. Thomas has fallen off the bathroom counter and hit his head on the tile floor, he has banged his head on a coffee table-both in Ruidoso - I hope he won't have a bad experience every time. Elizabeth tripped and fell and hit her elbow which was slightly fractured-that required a doctors visit but there was no blood.
Well, Sunday we were at church and my mom and Brice were watching the kids. They were wrestling around and Elizabeth tripped over Thomas and hit the coffee table. It cut her eybrow open pretty good - I think I saw skull - and bled a great deal. My mother said Elizabeth cried when she saw the blood but when she started to pray for her she stopped crying and settled into her lap.
We left Thomas with my mom and Brice and took Elizabeth to the ER. When we were walking in she said "we prayed and Jesus healed me, so I am okay". We saw the doctor and they cleaned it out real good - again, I think I saw skull - and put some dermabond on it. It should peel off in a couple of days. She did really good!
Prayer works so much. I pray every morning for protection for all my family. There have been times when we could have been hurt really bad and the results were so much less than what they could have been. Elizabeth's cut could have been so much worse, Thomas' falls and run-ins with walls could be concusions, our 180 degree turn on wet road could have been trecherous but it honestly felt like we were in slow motion. Later I thought about how it was the angels guiding our van to safety. My favorite scripture is Psalm 91:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Amighty (Whose power no foe can withstand). I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust! For then He will deliver you from the snare of the folwer and from the deadly pestilence. Then He will cover you with His pinions (wings) , and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler (one that sheilds and protects). You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day, nor of the pestilence (a contageous or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devasting - something that is destructive or pernicious (highly injurious or destructive) that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Only a spectator shall you be (yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High) as you witness the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and service). They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot agains a stone, you shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name (has personal knowledge of My mercy, love and kindness-trusts and relies on Me, know I will never forsake him, no never). He shall call upon Me, and I wil answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

This is what we need to meditate on. These are the words of our Father to His children. He loves us and will protect us. He wants us to be happy - he promises us mercy, love and kindness and long life, if we will just trust and follow Him. Amen!
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19