Okay, I just have to say that where has the imagination gone for our children when it comes to playing. I think toy companies don't give children enough credit when it comes to imagination. More than likely they just want to make more money and have to come up with more toys.
I am all for realism when it comes to toys - up to a point. I liked my "baby alive" doll. You could feed her "baby food" and she would go in her diaper. But today the toy world has gone too far. Barbie has a new pet dog. You can feed him a bone, then push his tail and he poops!!!! Real little pebbles come out of his bottom!!! Do we really need that?! Next are they going to have a Barbie that goes through child birth? What about a Barbie doll that will throw up, tinkle and poop as well. These are not things I thought of Barbie doing when I played with her. I think we all layed our Barbies on Ken and pretended they were having sex - thanks to tv for that. But do we want to actually have dolls that have sex? Maybe I am being extreme but honestly I never thought I would see a toy dog poop!!!
When I was a kid, I pretended to have long hair by draping my blanket on my head and holding it on with clip barretts. Shucks, I pretended to have a boyfriend!! My children, even with all the fancy toys still love to use their imagination for the most part. I think that is being lost on the toy makers. That yes it is fun to play with dolls and all sorts of toys but that life is too short let them keep playing - they will have to clean up real poop before they know it!!
I am so with you there. Do you know one of Zach's favorite toys is a plastic hanger. No joke. It is a "bow and arrow". I think that toy makers are preying on guilt-induced parents who don't spend enough time with their kids. Did you see the video game for babies out? Really, do our infants need video games!!!!????
I am so with you there. Do you know one of Zach's favorite toys is a plastic hanger. No joke. It is a "bow and arrow". I think that toy makers are preying on guilt-induced parents who don't spend enough time with their kids. Did you see the video game for babies out? Really, do our infants need video games!!!!????
APRIL!!! I'm shocked..I can't believe you made your barbies have sex! dirty, dirty, dirty...hahaha
HAHAHAHaaaa I was laughing at that too, the sex part. I know, its sad isn't it. I LOVE Barbies but I hope we have a descent option when my little girl gets big enough to enjoy them! I think this is where we as parents have to take a stand and talk about that around other parents in order to make a United stand! My parents keep a box that their grill came in on their back porch and get it out when we are coming b/c that is where Ty spends most of his time! My dad even cut a door and window, with shutters!!! That video game thing sounds absolutely dispicable. I
ok, i am glad to hear i was not the only one who wore a blanket on their head with clips.
as for the toys and barbies - they do have a pregnant barbie; but what i would like to see is a barbie that has to eat happy meals and chocolate and coffee just to survive raising that kid she just had. plus, she would gain 30 pounds and have to go to the barbie gym and actually work out around all the other childfree barbies who have kept their figures. then they would have to create a gym. i see big bucks.....
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