Lady on the play set Cody and Elizabeth Elizabeth and Thomas loving on each other.
Okay, I know it has taken me over a month to update my blog. I have been very busy. I have been subbing at BH. I have been painting and cleaning getting my house ready to put on the market. I have had a garagae sale. And I have been doing this while playing with my children, stopping my children's spats, and keeping them from going and doing things they know they're not supposed to do.
Not much else has been going on here. Glad summer is coming, which is also going to be least July. We will have our cousin Amy's wedding in Killeen, the Dye family reunion and my brother-in-law Bryce and Tiffany's wedding in Mexico (there is our summer vacation).
Here are some new pics...hope you enjoy. Have a great Mother's Day. Speaking of (and those who know me will not be surprised that I had to add this). I think God gave us children and the love we have for them, to show us how He feels about us. No matter what our children do we still love them and we only want what is best for them and we only want them to have the best. I watched a movie last night and it left me with such a happy feeling and as I laid down I thought...why do we want happy endings in our movies - in our lives...why do we crave the happily ever after...because our Spirit knows that is what God intended for us all and It craves it. Jesus did not come to condem (punish) the world, He came so the we could have life (on Earth & in Heaven) and have it more abundantly, to the full, til it over flows.