Saturday, October 06, 2007


They love Ghostbusters. Here they are in their "gear" to catch ghosts. And below is a different day when Thomas was a ghost and Elizabeth was "catching" him.

The pumkins are almost as big as they are!

After the fair - he was wore out!!!

Wow! It has been a long time since I have blogged. Sorry!! I haven't really found my groove yet, since school started.

Well, I am teaching at Bright Horizons - 3 year olds. Their birthdays are from Dec til March. Thomas is in my class along with 6 girls and 5 other boys. They are all pretty good, just mainly fidgety. It is on Mondays and Wednesdays and this quarter I am also helping in bible class on Wed nights. And of course Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. So I am a bit overwhelmed with that and then Thur and Fri is usually laundry and clean house days. So I haven't really even checking blogs or anything.

But we went to the fair recently, so I thought I would do some posting, plus I feel a little lost from some friends lately with our different schedules so this is about the only way we can talk and so I feel bad that I have pushed those of you aside. So I will try my best to get back into the swing of things.

Cody and I worked the Chalupa booth the Thur of the last week of the fair. Shirley met Cody at a store close to the fair and then we let the kids ride some rides, eat and just missed the storm that night. So here are some pics of the kids at the fair.


Lisa Renee said...

I had about given up on ya! Thanks for updating since I don't get to talk to ya much anymore. Hope Thomas is feeling better, I missed seeing you at church today!

The Binkley Family said...

Glad you guys are doing well. Thanks for the update! I know the feeling, my schedule this year hasn't been figured out yet either. I am teaching 3 days a week and it is amazing how much that takes from my "home" duties!

"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19