Friday, March 02, 2007

This may sound strange...

This may sound strange to some of you but it has really opened my eyes even more to the greatness of God and His blessing on those who believe.
I used to look at Anna Nicole and Britney Spears and the like and roll my eyes at their antics.
However, with the turn of events and all the mania going around about Anna and the trial over her body and her baby and Britney and rehab and her children, and John Travolta and Tom Cruise thinking Scientology can fix anything, it makes me very sad for them.
The Lord has really pressed upon my spirit for the last year to walk in His image - think like Him. God is Love. His word says we should "walk in love" (Eph 5:2).
So now many times when before I might, roll my eyes or call them names or rejoice in their trials, now I have compassion for them and grieve at how sad their lives are and if only they knew the Lord.
I have now added these people to my prayer list. I may be the only one praying for them. The Lord is no respecter of persons and He wants all of us to be saved. Isn't it my duty as a Christian to pray for all those who do not yet know Him?
The world looks to drugs, alcohol, sex, books, food, television, exercise and even other "churches" or gods but there is something greater than anything else can bring and that is the love of God who through Jesus Christ saved us from the sin of this World to "not be condemned but to save us" (John 3:17) and "so we could have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
So if I cannot influence someone by my life and choices I can at the very least pray for them and that through my prayer, ministering spirits can go forth and cross their path with the Truth.
I love you all and God bless you!


Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

I used to look at those people and just roll my eyes and think, that must be what stardom turns people in to. But, like you, I am beginning to realize that their lives are examples of people living without God. I agree that God calls us to love people like he loves them and to see them the way he does.

Thanks for this post.

Lisa Renee said...

It does not sound strange at all! In fact a few weeks ago Air One was asking for prayers for Brittany after she checked in to rehab. I wondered the day of Anna's funeral what was said if anything about eternal life. I saw a lot of it on Television and it did not seem to have any religon. Really sad, especially for that baby. She is the one who really needs prayers.

mammadavis said...

I understand what you are talking about. You are such a good person! It makes me so sad to see stars sometimes. It almost seems like they are doomed from the beginning. This is kinda off subject but it makes me think of Dakota Fanning. I love her! I hope she grows up to be a good person and does not get caught up in being a child star.

A D said...

I know, I was hoping the same for Lyndsey Lohan. I love her in the Parent Trap and them when she was in Mean Girls she was still innocent, now look...

"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." Psalm 34:19